Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Daily 5 Work on Words... and freebies!

Ok it is all kinds of embarrassing that it has taken me this long to blog about my Work on Words setup and activities.  My BFF Marisa over at Glitter and Giggles linked me up Saturday and here I am just now posting.  Shame on me!  However, I wanted my pics to be a little better so I had to take them all over again ( and I still hate them). 
First of all implementing the Daily 5 has been the best decision I have made in my entire teaching career thus far.  Spending hours upon hours every 2 weeks (which is what I used to do) to prepare for stations has been replaced with quality engaging activities that are relevant and VERY low maintenance.  Not to mention my thirdsters LOVE that they get to be all grown-up and CHOOSE which activity they want to do for the day. I haven't posted many pics of my classroom yet so I want to start by showing a snapshot of my Daily 5/CAFE board.

This huge bulletin board is the focal point of my classroom so I decided to make it my Daily 5/CAFE board all in one.  Easy to see and access.  The kids move their clothespin to show their choice for each round on a mini clip-chart.  This makes it super easy for me to see when they are avoiding (as if they ever do that!) Work on Writing haha!

My Work on Words set-up is nothing fancy but here it is.  It sits right below my leveled classroom library.  My kids currently have 7 choices for word activities. 
  • Scrabble Spelling
  • Magnet Words
  • Type-it
  • Stamp-it
  • Game Boards
  • Boggle
  • Shake It Up!

My students each have a word ring that contains spelling words, word wall words, and content vocabulary (differentiated according to their needs) that they use with each activity.  This is the lifeline of Work on Words in my opinion!

Scrabble- so simple and they never get tired of it.  I created a recording sheet for this activity.  It's an easy way for me to hold them accountable for their work. You can grab the recording sheet  HERE!
Just pick up some tiles and you are set!

Magnet Words- I thought that this would be way too young for my 3rd graders but they seem to still love building the words on the cookie sheets.  That's good enough for me.  I have them build the word and then record it in their Work on Words journal (a spiral).

Type-it is one that they race for.  I just took an old keyboard and fancied it up with cutesy stickers.  They "type" their words.  I get a kick out of watching them do this.  Some of my girls take it so seriously and act like they are at the office. 
Stamp-it- definitely not a new idea but again they seem to love it.  I have them stamp the words in their journals and then write a sentence using the word. 

Game Boards- For this fab activity head over to First Grade Glitter and Giggles and read all about.  Serious cuteness factor!

Boggle- This is by far the most popular in my room.  I got this amazing activity from Create-Teach-Share and my kids go bananas for it.  I just change the letters weekly to reflect our spelling pattern focus and they go on a word making frenzy.  LOVE it!

The newest addition is Shake It Up! I have always loved Discovery Bottles and just never got around to making any... until I was reminded on Pinterest (oh how I love thee) of how much fun they can be.  Here is the PIN by the way!
I found the jar and the poms at Dollar Tree (where I also finally found the materials I needed for my Pinterest Cake Stands I have been dying to make... which has absolutely nothing to do with this here post...sorry!) I printed up the 3rd grade Fry words (required for our district) added a fancy label and... Voila!

They find the words, read them, and record them in their journal.  When they find all 100 words they get a prize.  There is a whole lotta shaking going on let me tell you! 

There you have it- this is what goes down during Daily 5 Work on Words in my classroom.  I hope you find some of these activities useful.  I am always on the look out for new ideas and am so stinkin' addicted to blog stalking that I sometimes forget to blog myself.  Next up is a blog devoted to Math Workstations and how we roll with that in my room.  Fun, Fun, Fun!!
Thanks for stopping by! Toodles!


Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

WOW! You are so organized and your room is adorable :) I loved your fresh ideas about Daily Five, I especially liked Type-It :) What a fun and fab game! If you have time, please check out our blog, we're having a $25 giftcard giveaway!

Lisa :)
Made In The Shade In Second Grade

Unknown said...

Love your organization! =)
First Grade Blue SKies

Amber @ Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher said...

I pinned your post! Love it!

Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

glitterandgiggles said...

Looks fabulous my dear!! Great job! Miss you being on my hallway! I have to walk all the way across the building. haha! Acutually we usually meet halfway! Keep up the glitter!

Marisa Curtis

meghan said...

I pinned you idea with the old keyboard. I haven't heard of that before. And of course it is so colorful. I need to get my hands on one!

Third Grade in the First State

Mrs. Berard said...

I love so many of your ideas for my first graders! AND Im loving those numbers on your leveled classroom library bins? Did you make them?

Ms. Durbin said...

Thanks ladies! @Morgan- Marisa at Glitter and Giggles made them. Aren't they great?! You can find the library labels here

Elizabeth said...

I pinned your post. I love your Daily 5 board. I really need to work on making Daily 5 work in 4th grade. I'll stay tuned to your Daily 5 ideas.



Fun in Room 4B

Literacy & Math Ideas said...

You are such a creative teacher! Thanks so much for sharing. I nearly flipped when I saw the old keyboard. Like you, I try my best to think of creative ways to teach. My recent posts include math centers made from CD cases and 3D worksheets for notetaking for guided reading.

Ashley said...

I pinned so many of the ideas on this page. I too love your daily 5 board! I love the stickers on the old keyboards. Awesome:>!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog! Everything is done so well and I can tell you love to organize just like me! Please stop by my blog and follow me! I would love some feedback and help! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all of these ideas. It is too late to try incorporating all of this year, but I will definitely use them next year. Saving this post!

Ms. Smith
The Adventures of Ms. Smith

S said...

I love how colorful your blog is!!

check my fashion/beauty blog

Greetings from Finland

Heather's Heart said...

I just found your blog and am in LOVE! Can I come be in your classroom???? I am so happy to be your newest follower and stalk you in a non-creepy way!

What great ideas!

The kiddos in your room are blessed to have such a fun and creative teacher!

I would love for you to come visit and follow me! =)

Heather's Heart

Crazy Content said...

Wonderful! Next year, I am on this! You've explained it so clearly. Thanks for the ideas...

Michelle said...

I love the shake it up game! Cute! Cute! Cute!


Jamie (2nd Grade Stuff) said...

I just stumbled upon your blog from Pinterest. These are wonderful ideas - I'm your newest follower! :)

Jamie at 2nd Grade Stuff

Mrs. Patton said...

So glad I found this post via pinterest. I can use some of your ideas even for my little kindergartners. I'm your newest follower! :)

Colleen Patton
Mrs. Patton’s Patch

Emily M. said...

Love your ideas! I do Daily 5 with my first graders and am always looking for new word work ideas!

Can you tell me a little more about your word rings for every student?? Do they get new spelling words added to their ring each week? Do you take them off or leave them on then when they get new words?? What a great idea!

Unknown said...

Tag! You're it! Visit my blog for details!

Pitner's Potpourri

AmiS said...

You are a total inspiration for fellow teachers. I love everything on here, and would love to try some of your activities in my 3rd grade classroom. I was just wondering what you put on the game boards for the word work station. I clicked the link and see where to purchase them, just not sure how you use them. Do you write questions on the spaces? Also, is this Daily 5 something that is popular in your district? I have never heard of it and would love to do some research and learn more about it. Thank you again!

Andrea Brown - Cheers To School said...

I stumbled onto your blog and I love it! I am sharing the Versatile Blogger Award with you! Hop on over to my blog to pick up the button and get the rules! PS I'm your newest follower!

Cheers to School

Owlknowbetter said...

How can I print your ADORABLE Owl Daily 5 signs? :)

Unknown said...

I love your word work set up...great inspiration! I would like to hear more about your spelling and how you set that up in your classroom (possible future post?) It's something that my team and I have been struggling with, but it seems that you have a good routine/system for that. Thanks for sharing! :)

Louise Morgan said...

My students blog but they have a hard time finding some of they keys such as: , . " ? ! Marking the keys with stickers is a great idea. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love your Daily 5 boards!! You have soo many great ideas in your classroom.

The Crazy Adventures of a University Graduate

missaburgess said...

What kind of stickers did u use for the keyboard?

Molly Maloy said...

LOVE this entire post! I am starting to use Daily 5 in 4th grade and it's always good to have new ideas and inspiration! I was also wondering what stickers you used for the keyboard. Were they the perfect size or did you have to cut them? Thanks so much!

Lessons with Laughter

Ms. Durbin said...

Hi guys! I'm sorry it has taken so long to get back to you about the keyboard. I just googled "keyboard stickers" and purchased mine from this company
My kids adore this activity!

Lyndsey (A Year of Many Firsts) said...

Wow! What a wonderful post. How informative. Thanks so much for sharing. This gives me some great ideas that I could incorporate into my first grade classroom. Thanks for sharing!

A Year of Many Firsts

Anonymous said...

Awesome post! Thank you for sharing!

The Colorful Apple said...

Just came across your blog - I love the colors and organization in your classroom!

Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade

Mrs. West said...

Fabulous ideas!! I referred to your Type-It idea on my blog. I hope that's okay!

Mrs. B said...

Hi Ms. Durbin : )
Great site with lots of wonderful ideas. Where did you get your baskets and book bins?

lisa said...

Love the activities and the organization in your classroom. I love anything hands-on. I'm a 4th grade teacher and I can my students using some of these ideas. Thanks! When you have time, check out my blog:

Cupcake said...

I love your work on words set up!!
A Cupcake for the Teacher

Susan Hardin said...

I love your word work ideas! The pics you posted are great and really convey your ideas. I am your newest follower.

Susan Hardin said...

I love your word work ideas! The pics you posted are great and really convey your ideas. I am your newest follower.
3rd Grade Grapevine
(for some reason your blog address showed up in the comment above, so I reposted.

iintegratetechnology said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing ideas! I am definitely going to use them! I love typing spelling words with the keyboard! I have already asked our recycling center to save me all the keyboards that are donated!

There are so many of you that have "hooked" me into the blogging world & have inspired me to want to start my own! If you have any great advice for a newbie- I am willing to learn! I just started my own blog and waiting for my blog makeover which should be ready in a few days! I would love to learn how to create printables etc, but my "nitch" is technology. If you are interested in integrating technology into the classroom, maybe you could stop by:

Dylana Suarez said...

Super lovely blog!


Mr. X said...

Where did you get the superhero kids? That is my theme next year and they would be GREAT!!

Unknown said...

I would love to have more information on your Daily 5 process. I am thinking about implementing it into my 3rd grade classroom next year. Any advice and information would be greatly appreciated. Do you you pull students for individualized instruction?

Unknown said...

Sorry! I forgot to include my e-mail. It's Thanks so much!

Erin Sample said...

Just found your blog and this post and I loved your keyboard and discovery bottle idea for word work! I'm your newest follower. :)
Sample’s Superstars

Mrs. Glennon's Beach Buddies said...

Love the typing sight words....will be using that in kindergarten also how did you get the sight words to stick to the pom poms in the game shake it up? Did you print on labels?

Unknown said...

I love all of these ideas! This has been the hardest station for me this year but these are great. I do have to admit though, I don't understand how to use the game boards. Can you provide some elaboration?

Teach It Today said...

This is just what I needed to see this summer as I get my room set up with Daily Five! I'm inspired by your blog and am happy to be a follower!

Heather at TeachItToday!

Suz said...

Love the type-it word work activity!!! What kind of stickers did you use? Did you put the letters on the stickers? How do you make the stickers stay on??? It looks like there are directions in the picture. Would you mind sharing them?

KJH said...

I love these ideas and plan to implement them in the fall! Thanks so much for sharing them.
I took a look at the link for the keyboard stickers, but didn't see the one that appears in your pictures. Do you remember the style or name of yours?

Unknown said...

I love your ideas. I tried the Daily 5 last year for the first time and I struggled with word work. have inspired me to try it aqain. Thank you for sharing!!!!!

Jennifer Rinker said...

What great ideas! We will implement Daily Five next school year and this makes me excited (dare I say it) to go back in August! Thank You

Tamera Wilson said...

Just found your blog! Love the owls.! I'm having my blog redone to include owls & I am decorating my room with owls. They are so stinking cute!


Julie said...

Just stumbled upon your blog from Pinterest and must say I LOVE your ideas! I pinned a few and am excited to be implementing some of them next school year. Thank you for sharing!!

Christa Swaney said...


Just found you blog on Pinterest! I love it! I am now your newest follower! I just say the Daily5/Cafe in Seattle! It was fantastic! I love your word work centers!! Keeping it simple with 7...but 7 fun ones...I teach 2nd grade so if your third graders love it I know my second graders will! I just started blogging. Come check my blog out!


The Schroeder Page said...

How fun is this post???? So cute! I am totally going to make some of those Shake it Up containers. That is such a simple way to make them. I also use The Daily 5 and love adding to my Word Study Center. My kiddos love to use my computers for I love that I can store my lists there for individual students. I can even focus on vocabulary if I need to! Thanks so much for sharing you ideas. I am heading up to follow you blog!
The Schroeder Page

Unknown said...

I really like your Shake it up idea. I tried this out, but it seems that my words end up all in one place together. I have tried it both with laminated words and non-laminated. Any suggestions on how to keep the words from all sticking together?

Michelle at VolusiaHeart4Kids said...

I am your newest follower. Cute blog with lots of great ideas. I would love to see a closer look at your word rings and how you get them started and using them. Great idea!


Unknown said...

Like some of the others that have posted, I'm interested in the particular style of keyboard stickers that you use. I checked out the website where you purchased them, but can't distinguish which ones you use. Reluctant to get the rainbow ones because the letters look pretty small.
Great ideas for Word Work!

Azize Ozcan said...

Thanks for the ideas

dayton65 said...

Did you know you can find wooden number tiles (like Scrabble tiles) on ebay? I use those for math work.

Unknown said...

To speak the truth this is a nice post concerning this topic. I got a pure solution from here. Also I can refer to you all mailing tubes here to get educational helps. Nevertheless will wait for more posts from the blogger. Thanks a lot…….

Melanie said...

Your blog is wonderful. I have an interview for a third grade position AND my school is wanting to move toward everyone using Daily 5. I was so happy to read the first line of your second paragraph. I read the Daily Five book on Tuesday (gotta love vacation) and think it is a fabulous idea. Thanks for all the extra fun ideas for word work, I think I will have to "borrow" some ideas for my very first year not to be overwhelmed. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Unknown said...

Electronics Patent News

Unknown said...

Just found this post...How funny!! I teach K and had an old key board and I asked for donations from parents. I had been thinking for a while to have typing for my kiddos! and thanks to the fabulous Ashley Hughes I even created a cute card with the words! (On my TPT store)

Unknown said...

Wow! Great ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! I am excited to implement the daily 5 beginning year 15!!!!!

Teach80 said...

Thanks for sharing these great ideas. What do you use to hang your Boggle letters?

Anonymous said...

I’m trampled for the blogs writings and also blogs.

Unknown said...

The blog is good enough I again n again read this. travel competitions

Jglover said...

I would love to create some more recording sheets for some of the word study activities that I have my students do. I love your set up for the scrabble activity and it matches the boggle sheet from the other site. Any chance you'd be willing to share a word document file that could be edited? I'd share back!

Unknown said...

I speak the truth this is a nice post concerning Indians in Australia. I got a pure solution from here. Also I can refer to you all mailing tubes here to get educational helps to kids. Thanks a lot

Ms. Konnight said...

In the Shake it Up Activity... Did you glue the words to the poms, or ar ethe words on small pieces of paper thrown in with the poms?

Anonymous said...

Can you share your direction cards for the type it activity? Please.

Terry said...

Hi! I'm interested in knowing how many of each of the 7 Working on Words activities do you provide for your class? Thanks so much! Great work!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the keyboards. What kind of stickers did you use on the keys?

Anonymous said...

Want to know how to monetize your blog? Search in google - Yoogurn's money making

Unknown said...

Hi! Did you make your label for the Shake it Up? Can I buy it? Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thank you thank you thank you for this blog. I'm going into my first year of third grade (after being in prek for about 12 years) &this blog is EVERYTHING I need to help understand part of my literacy block! Thankyou again!

Unknown said...

Thank you thank you thank you for this blog. I'm going into my first year of third grade (after being in prek for about 12 years) &this blog is EVERYTHING I need to help understand part of my literacy block! Thankyou again!

Rupali sharma said...

A fascinating discussion is worth comment. I think that you ought to publish more about English grammar quizzes., it might not be a taboo matter but generally folks don't discuss such issues like Grammar quiz and tutorial.. To the next! Many thanks!!

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