Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blog Mixer Linky Party

Yearn to Learn is havin a blog mixer linky party.   Let's do some serious blog stalking and highlight awesome teachers!  Here's what you do:
1.  Find a "New Kid on the Block" (someone who has only been blogging maybe 2months or less).
2.  Find a blogger in your same grade level.
3.  Find a blogger in a different grade level.
4.  Find and grab a super cute button. 

Here is my list:
1.  New Kid- The Sweet Life of 3rd Grade - looking forward to sharing ideas
2.  Same Grade Level-  Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher
3.  Different grade level-  First Grade Parade- Fellow Texan and one of my fave blogs to visit
4.  Cute Button-  There are so many but I really love this one...


  1. Thank you for thinking of me...and a Texan right here!!! I look forward to sharing ideas {especially with all of the new textbook adoptions}
    The Sweet Life of Third Grade

  2. I just found your blog, and it's adorable! I'm going to use your button for the linky party!

  3. Hooray! Thanks for the shout-out! Made my night! :-)

    Third Grade Bookworm

  4. I am stopping by to let you know I am a new follower! I am loving your creations.

  5. I'm now a follower! LOVE YOUR BLOG!
